In this radiology lecture, we review the ultrasound appearance of adenomyomatosis of the gallbladder! Key teaching points include: Common cause
The post Ultrasound of Gallbladder Adenomyomatosis appea...
In this radiology lecture, we review the ultrasound appearance of de Quervain’s Tenosynovitis! Key teaching points include: Stenosing tenosynovitis of
The post Ultrasound of de Quervain’s Tenosynoviti...
In this radiology lecture, we review the contrast-enhanced ultrasound appearance of hepatic hemangioma! Key teaching points include: Microbubble contrast agents
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In this radiology lecture, we review the ultrasound appearance of tennis leg, including medial gastrocnemius and plantaris injury! Key teaching
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In this radiology lecture, we review the ultrasound appearance of interstitial ectopic pregnancy! Key teaching points include: Interstitial ectopic pregnancies
The post Ultrasound of Interstitial Ecto...
In this radiology lecture, we review the ultrasound appearance of ovarian serous cystadenocarcinoma! Key teaching points include: Serous cystadenocarcinoma is
The post Ultrasound of Ovarian Serous Cys...
In this radiology lecture, we review the ultrasound appearance of parathyroid adenoma! Key teaching points include: Benign tumor of the
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In this radiology lecture, we review the ultrasound appearance of parotitis in the pediatric population! Key teaching points include: Parotitis
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In this radiology lecture, we review the ultrasound appearance of sublingual dermoid cyst and explain floor of mouth anatomy! Key
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In this radiology lecture, we review the ultrasound appearance of carpal tunnel syndrome! Key teaching points include: Most common upper
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In this radiology lecture, we review the ultrasound appearance of ganglion cysts while highlighting relevant wrist ultrasound anatomy! Key teaching
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Radiologist Headquarters has a new name: Radquarters! Same high-yield content, but now with a streamlined name that’s easier to remember.
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In this radiology lecture, we review the ultrasound appearance of acute epididymitis and orchitis! Key teaching points include: Epididymitis =
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In this radiology lecture, we review the ultrasound appearance of acute cholecystitis, including gangrenous and emphysematous cholecystitis! Key teaching points
The post Ultrasound of Acute Cholecysti...
In this radiology lecture, we review the ultrasound appearance of ileocolic and small bowel-small bowel intussusception in children! Key teaching
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In this radiology lecture, we review the ultrasound appearance of polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS)! Key teaching points include: PCOS often
The post Ultrasound of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome appeare...
In this radiology lecture, we review the ultrasound appearance of pleomorphic adenoma of the parotid gland! Key teaching points include:
The post Ultrasound of Pleomorphic Adenoma of the Parotid Gland...
In this radiology lecture, we review the ultrasound appearance of epidermal inclusion cyst! Key teaching points include: Epidermal inclusion cyst
The post Ultrasound of Epidermal Inclusion Cyst appear...
In this radiology lecture, we review the ultrasound appearance of torsion of the appendix testis and appendix epididymis! Key teaching
The post Ultrasound of Torsion of the Appendix Testis appeared fi...
In this radiology lecture, we review the ultrasound appearance of Hashimoto’s thyroiditis with three unique cases! Key teaching points include:
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In this radiology lecture, we review the ultrasound appearance of acute appendicitis with three unique cases! Key teaching points include:
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In this radiology lecture, we review the ultrasound appearance of thyroglossal duct cyst with two unique cases! Key teaching points
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In this radiology lecture, we review the ultrasound appearance of scrotal varicocele with three unique cases. Key teaching points include:
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In this radiology lecture, we review the ultrasound appearance of Achilles tendinosis, partial thickness tears and full thickness tears through
The post Ultrasound of Achilles Tendinosis and Tear appe...
In this radiology lecture, we review the ultrasound appearance of adenomyosis through three unique cases, including an MRI example. Key
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In this radiology lecture, we review the ultrasound appearance of endometrioma through three unique cases, including an MRI example. Key
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In this radiology lecture, we review the ultrasound appearance of testicular torsion through three unique cases. Key teaching points include:
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In this radiology lecture, the ultrasound and CT appearance of renal oncocytoma is revealed. Key teaching points include: Oncocytomas are
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In this radiology lecture, we reveal the imaging appearance of mucinous cystadenocarcinoma of the ovary and explain differentiating features from
The post Case of the Week: Ovarian Mucinous Cystadenoc...
In this radiology lecture, we discuss the CT appearance of wandering spleen! Key points include: Extremely rare, usually between 20-40
The post Case of the Week: Wandering Spleen (CT) appeared first o...
In this radiology lecture, the ultrasound appearance of complete molar pregnancy is revealed. Key points include: AKA hydatiform mole =
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Quiz yourself with this week’s interactive video lecture as we present a total of 5 interesting musculoskeletal radiology cases followed
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In this radiology lecture, we discuss the MRI appearance of septate uterus, and explain how to differentiate from other uterine
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In this radiology lecture, we discuss the ultrasound appearance of ovarian dermoid cyst, including the rarely seen but highly specific
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In this radiology lecture, we discuss the ultrasound and CT appearance of retroperitoneal fibrosis. Key points include: Most cases (70%)
The post Case of the Week: Retroperitoneal Fibrosis (Ultrasound...
In this radiology lecture, we discuss the CT and MRI appearance of perihilar cholangiocarcinoma. Key points include: Perihilar cholangiocarcinoma (AKA
The post Case of the Week: Perihilar Cholangiocar...
Join me in this radiology lecture revealing the ultrasound and CT appearance of medullary sponge kidney (MSK). Key points include:
The post Case of the Week: Medullary Sponge Kidney (Ultrasound & CT) ...
In this radiology lecture, we discuss the ultrasound and CT appearance of amebic liver abscess. Key points include: Entamoeba histolytica
The post Case of the Week: Amebic Liver Abscess (Ultrasound & ...
In this radiology lecture, we discuss the chest x-ray and CT appearance of pulmonary infarction in the setting of acute
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In this radiology lecture, we discuss the ultrasound appearance of ruptured ectopic pregnancy. Key points include: Most ectopic pregnancies occur
The post Case of the Week: Ruptured Ectopic Pregnancy ...
In this radiology lecture, we discuss the appearance of gallstone ileus on x-ray and CT. Key points include: Gallstone ileus
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In this radiology lecture, we discuss the ultrasound appearance of testicular epidermoid cyst. Key points include: Testicular epidermoid cyst is
The post Case of the Week: Testicular Epidermoid Cyst (...
In this radiology lecture, we discuss the imaging appearance of necrotizing pancreatitis on both CT and MRI. Key points include:
The post Case of the Week: Necrotizing Pancreatitis (CT & MRI) appeared...
In this radiology lecture, we discuss the imaging appearance of duplicated collecting system and ureterocele, with attention to US and
The post Case of the Week: Duplicated Collecting System (VCUG & U...
In this radiology lecture, we discuss the imaging appearance of large bowel lymphoma. Key points include: Often isodense to skeletal
The post Case of the Week: Colonic Lymphoma (CT & PET) appeared fir...
In this radiology lecture, we discuss the ultrasound appearance of ovarian torsion. Key points include: Rotation of ovarian vascular pedicle
The post Case of the Week: Ovarian Torsion (Ultrasound) app...
In this inaugural case of the week radiology lecture, we discuss the imaging appearance of cecal volvulus! Key points include:
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Check out my FREE webinar titled “Ultrasound of Ovarian Cystic Disease” on Wednesday, September 29, 2021 at 7-8 PM ET,
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Check out my FREE webinar titled “Ultrasound of Genitourinary Infectious Disease” on Thursday, March 25, 2021 at 1-2 PM ET,
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Quiz yourself with this week’s interactive video lecture as we present a total of 5 interesting head and neck radiology
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